Monday, April 7, 2014

Going into the MTC

Friday, April 4, 2014

It is Official

After having so much trouble due to fingerprints, and even after receiving a call from the missionary travel dept last Friday saying that the Embassy still wanted verification that I had lived in Utah for the last ten years, which I had to answer NO, and having to get online and get a background check from the state of CO, and email her the results (which I have to say I did all by myself in about a half an hour), Sis Guntherman called  us on Monday to say that Australia issued our visa and we will enter the MTC on Mon, Apr 7.  We will finish there on Fri. at 3:30 PM and be home until we fly out on Monday, Apr. 14th.  We will not know what time or airline until we enter the MTC.  I really doubted that we would leave on time, but there must be a reason.  

It was really wonderful to have so many of you come and be here this past week.  We had a great time!  It was a very special moment when Amy and Katie sang, "Beautiful Savior" with Sarah on Piano and Stephaney playing flute.  It was beautiful.  Your Uncle Larry said that Mom must have known about it and would have been so pleased.  Larry and Carol, Brent and Margo, and Lynn came as well.  Thank you all!

We know those far away would have been here if  possible. We thought of you all and love your thoughts and prayers as well.  This has been a great year because we have been able to see all of you before we leave.  It's been wonderful!  We love you all so much.

Because we leave on Mon., Genevieve has been given special permission to be baptized on her birthday between conference sessions if the baptism service can happen in 45 minutes.  We are grateful for that privilege. Seth will be baptized soon after.  His birthday is April 15.  Wish we could be there for that great day, Seth.  And then there is Brandon's graduation...another great day.  Congratulations to you!  Sarah's parents and brother are going out to help celebrate and help with the move the next day.  We truly wish we didn't have to miss these things.  You know how we love to be there.  

We will be set apart as missionaries between conference sessions on Sunday.  It hardly seems real, but with all we've been scurrying around trying to get done, it is settling in. We report to the MTC at 10:20 on Monday and will be at the MTC until 4:30 each day until Friday when we finish at 3:30.  As far as we know, we will be here at home and doing a few things until Monday whenever we go to the airport.

The question is:  Does the toilet water really swirl the opposite direction in the Southern Hemisphere?  We will let you know. 

Soon to be,
Elder and Sister McFadden